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Lord Help! I'm Not Enjoying My Prayer Life

Lord Help! I'm Not Enjoying My Prayer Life


Tapping into your fullest Prayer Potential is a must. And enjoying it while you’re doing it, well, let’s just say-it’s necessary.

Prayer was designed to be enjoyed. It wasn’t designed to be some boring impersonal monologue session. 

No, prayer was designed by God as a divine channel of communication between man and himself, where hearts are merged, governmental decisions are made, and results manifest.

There are two primary reasons people don’t enjoy their prayer life. Number one, they don’t know what they’re doing. And number two, they haven’t identified their Unique Prayer Personality/Style.

This guide, Lord Help! I’m Not Enjoying My Prayer Life, will help to unlock your fullest prayer potential by helping you identify your Unique Prayer Personality/Style.

Once identified, your sense of joy, expectancy and excitement will be restored, and a whole new level of confidence and expectancy will emerge.

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