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Snakes Under the Wood

As we gather to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Yeshua Messiah, this CHRISTmas season, I want to address a concern that weighs heavily on my heart. Despite the joy and celebrations, some of you may be struggling to fully embrace the CHRISTmas spirit. You might be facing daunting challenges, rising fears, and growing financial worries. Life often tests our faith with intense challenges that can leave us feeling isolated in darkness. Yet, Psalm 34:19 offers hope: "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all." 

This Scripture reminds us we are never forsaken, no matter the magnitude of our challenges. Our formidable struggles and challenges our Father sees. And whether we feel it or not—He is our unwavering protector, ever-ready to help us and deliver us from the onslaught of satan.

Our formidable struggles and challenges our Father sees. And whether we feel it or not—He is our unwavering protector, ever-ready to help us and deliver us from the onslaught of satan.

Now, more than ever, we must adopt a militant warrior's stance and not render a fraction of the territory we've taken from our prior spiritual battles! The enemy's sole desire is to frustrate us, wear us out and then push us backward, compelling us to relinquish the hard-fought ground we've secured, both in the spiritual and natural realms. He’s striking hard. So, you must make up your mind to stand unwavering, resolute in unshakable faith, armed with the knowledge of past victories, fortified by the promises of His covenant, and anchored in the unassailable assurance of the Lord's enduring faithfulness!

Spiritual Warfare Unleashed: The Rise of Serpentine Forces

In the summer of 2023, during my Prophetic Forensics Class, I received a series of dreams and intel from heaven signaling the onset of intense spiritual warfare as Yahweh's New Year 5784 approached. While 'snake season' is traditionally linked to spring, it became evident that the spiritual timelines were undergoing dramatic changes. Satan's tactics adapting to new challenges, were clearly evolving.

In the spiritual realm, I saw aggressive serpentine forces infiltrating countless Christian homes—lying hidden under the wood. Many believers, trapped unknowingly, continued their lives oblivious to the danger underneath their feet. Shockingly, some even went about their day with snakes coiled around their necks! As I delved deeper, it was clear that more snakes lay hidden beneath the surface.

Then, as if I was looking into a house of horror, a force surged through the houses, and with relentless power, the wood was savagely ripped apart! Splinters exploded in all directions as it was violently uprooted!

In the Bible, wood carries a myriad of symbolic meanings, ranging from doctrine and foundations to vessels of dishonor (2 Timothy 2:20). In my dreams, the violent tearing up of wood to unveil that which lay concealed beneath, symbolized not only covert sorcery machinations but also the upheaval of deeply flawed foundational beliefs and demonic ties. It represented the revelation of long-buried secrets—entanglements that currently ensnare countless Christians. The serpents lurking beneath the wood were undeniably indicative of the presence of the spirit of Leviathan, the very king of pride himself. In this hour, it is evident that this spirit has been unleashed and has found a way to hide under a religious guise, deceiving many.

The serpents lurking beneath the wood were unmistakably indicative of the presence of the spirit of Leviathan, the very king of pride himself that has been loosed in this hour and has found a way to hide under a religious guise.

Endurance Through the Storm

I too felt the sting of these dreams. The warfare over the past few months has been intense—the most severe I’ve experienced in my 25-year tenure in ministry. Hell orchestrated relentless assaults upon me and my family, culminating in a severe betrayal rooted in resentment of my success in ministry. It seemed their goal was to force me to quit, to silence me as a woman, and to strike so low that I couldn't rise again. But here I stand firm, not by my own strength but through the power of the Holy Ghost.

In these trying times, I'm reminded of 2 Corinthians 1:5, which resonates deeply: "As we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too."

Today, I write not only as a fellow believer but as a testament to the unyielding power of our God amidst the enemy's relentless onslaught. Yahweh has been my source of strength and refuge, continually blessing the works of my hands, reaffirming that affliction refines us for greater authority and responsibility.

Exodus 1:2: But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.

Listen, against the enemy's relentless schemes, we possess an unparalleled source of strength and hope. Our history is not just one of victory, but of overwhelming triumph over darkness. So, I implore you to stand, remain steadfast, resolute, and vigilant. Cast off doubt and despair, grief, and dedicate yourselves to intense prayer and intercession, and active engagement with the WORD of the Lord. We serve a God of immeasurable power.

The Kingdom of Yeshua stands unwavering, the sovereignty of Yahweh unassailable, and our Lord's prophecies remain unerring. Stand firm, warriors of faith, for the Kingdom of God is within you, and with the Lord as your shield, victory is certain.

Walking in Unbounded Kingdom Success

Apostle Lynetta Dent


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